Chris Jenner subscribes to the Illinois Code of Fair Campaign Practices

Updated March 25, 2005 - added Northwest Herald endorsements

Updated March 24, 2005 - Pioneer Press endorses Jenner, Ruelle, Lawrence, and Loew

Are you satisfied with a school board that forgets to collect $644,000 it has coming from a housing developer?

Are you satisfied with a school board that signs a retirement contract with its superintendent with $30,000 in perks the same day it closed a school, cut staff,  and raised student fees, then doesn't disclose the retirement contract for five months, and then only after a Freedom of Information Act request revealed what appeared to be a retirement increase?

Are you satisfied with a school board that said it would cover half the cost of the band program, and appears to be keeping the excess $30,000 that band parents paid beyond half the actual cost?

If you want to see positive change, all four newcomers must be elected to form a new board majority. For a new and improved board, please vote for all four of Chris Jenner, Craig Loew, David Ruelle, and Randall Lawrence.


Many polling places have changed, schools are no longer used as polling places. Click here to use the McHenry County Clerk's Precinct Finder to find your polling place.


Click here to download a window sign.         Click here to download a flyer.

Thanks for visiting my District 26 school board campaign web page. I'm running for D-26 school board because I believe one of Cary's largest businesses -- School District 26 -- should be run by a professional management team, and I have the skills and experience to be part of that team.

Chris Jenner is well qualified to be part of such a team.

  • Active participant in D-26 Core Beliefs Committee
  • Attended over twenty D-26 board meetings since Fall, 2003
  • Avid follower of legislation that affects education
  • Over 15 years leadership and management experience
  • Lifelong learner -- BS (U of IL U-C), MBA (IL Institute of Technology), MS (DePaul)
  • 20 years in customer service
  • 12 year Cary resident
  • Married 14 years, children in 8th, 7th, and 3rd grades
  • Volunteer on D-26 (1998-99) and Immanuel Lutheran School (2004-present) Technology Task Forces
  • Cub Scout Pack 757 Committee Member (1999-2003)
  • Director, American Society of Polar Philatelists

Three other candidates for District 26 school board share the same fundamental beliefs that I do -- that board management must be proactive and policy-driven. I'd appreciate your support and your vote for them as well as for me.

Please VOTE APRIL 5, 2005 for

Respect, Experience, Accountability, Leadership

Candidates for REAL Change, D-26 School Board

I've listed several questions I'd like to see the District 26 School Board study here.

Newspaper Endorsements

Northwest Herald endorses Jenner

Pioneer Press endorses Jenner

Daily Herald endorses Jenner


Endorsement Questionnaires

Questionnaire for the Daily Herald

Questionnaire for the Northwest Herald

Questionnaire for the Cary Education Association PAC



Site accessed times since February 10, 2005.

Site last updated March 25, 2005
with any questions / comments