Northwest Herald
Spring 2005 Candidate Questionnaire
Full Name: Chris Jenner
Office Being Sought: Cary District 26 Board of Education Member
Eve phone: 847-516-4727
Cell phone: 847-421-7655
Biographical Information
Currently employed as a manager in a large telecommunications manufacturing company. Over 15 years leadership and management experience. 20 years experience in customer service.
Government Experience
First attempt to run for public office.
Community Involvement
- 12 year Cary resident
- Married 14 years, children in 8th, 7th, and 3rd grades
- Volunteer on D-26 (1998-99) and Immanuel Lutheran School (2004- ) Technology Task Forces
- Cub Scout Pack 757 Committee Member (1999-2003)
MS Telecommunications, DePaul University
MBA, Illinois Institute of Technology
BS Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
I write my informative speech only with a help of a professional speech writing agency. It helps me prepare to deliver a speech. The speech should be eloquent and appeal to audience that is why I choose informative speech writing companies.
<![if !supportLists]>1. <![endif]>Why do you believe that people should vote for you?
My skills and business experience can contribute greatly to the professional management team our board needs to be. I have 15 years experience in services leadership and management roles. I will represent community members that didn't think the district had prepared a strong enough case for a tax increase in 2004. I will add diversity to the board, which will foster better decisions, as I come from outside the public education establishment. I'm a lifelong learner, having earned a BS, MS, and MBA. I'll ensure all community voices are heard, and that the children's education is the board's top priority.
<![if !supportLists]>2. <![endif]>Almost anything can be done better. Cite two specific examples of what you would improve while serving on your board or council.
(1) Proactive, policy-driven planning and governance. I would drive the board to establish and proactively use policies for ends, means, board-staff relationship, and governance. I'd work to establish quantifiable goals that define the vision and mission, and work with the board to proactively direct the superintendent toward achieving those goals. (2) Regain the trust of the staff and community. I'd insist the board fairly consider and openly discuss all input from community members, staff, parents, and students. I'd recommend the board adopt a policy to make any information of potential interest public, unless there's a compelling reason to withhold it.
<![if !supportLists]>3. <![endif]>Just the same, many things are done well. Cite two specific examples of what your board or council does well.
(1) I applaud the current board for completing the teacher union contract negotiations before the referendum vote in 2004. The result appeared to be reached in a very cooperative effort by both the board and the teachers. (2) The current board seems to have a good grasp of the education industry, with at least three board members or spouses thereof being employed by the public school system. I would complement that background well, coming from outside the education establishment.